Monday, May 18, 2020
The Use Of Alcohol And Substance Abuse Disorder - 917 Words
Ms. A is a 24-year-old, Caucasian female. She was referred for a psychological evaluation by her therapist for her excessive use of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Disorder. Additionally, Ms. A stated she has been experiencing a loss of interest, low self-esteem and feeling anxious. She complains that her struggle with substance abuse has negatively impacted her interpersonal relationships, behavioral, emotional as well as her health. The purpose of the current evaluation is to (1) evaluate her level of functioning, (2) determine diagnostic impression and (3) recommend relevant treatment and service needs. RELEVANT BACKGROUND INFORMATION Current Living Situation Ms. A currently lives in a transitional housing and attends DIOP. This†¦show more content†¦Ms. A reported she was exposed to domestic violence within the home. Reportedly, Ms. A’s said her father was physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive towards her mother and herself. The patient recalled being awakened at nights by her mother and being told they were going on â€Å"vacations†. According to Ms. A, as she grew older she understood the her family â€Å"vacations†her mother later explained that the â€Å"vacations†were merely an escape from her abusive father. The patient described her parent s divorce as messy. She opined that her parents’ divorce resulted in her â€Å"bouncing back and forth†between their homes. She reported living with her father for a brief period andbecause she was allowed to do whatever she wanted. She further described her father as her â€Å"drinking buddy†during her adolescent years. When asked to describe her childhood, Ms. A reported she has blocked out most of her childhood due to extensive sexual and physical abuse. She disclosed being sexually molested from 5 to 12 years old. She also disclosed being raped several times by her father’s friends while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Ms. A statedaid she left home at age 16 and began supporting herself. She indicated that her parents remarried other partners, and she gained 5 stepsiblings with whom she currently maintains a good relationships. The patient reported having a close bond with her biological mother during childhood. She describedShow MoreRelated Eating Disorders And Substance Abuse Essay1636 Words  | 7 PagesEating Disorders And Substance Abuse Common Eating Disorders: The two most common eating disorders are bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. Both disorders, primarily affect young women, therefore the majority of the research on eating disorders has been done with women subjects. The onset of bulimia is between adolescence and early adulthood while the onset of anorexia is between early and late adolescence. Not only is the onset different but the disorders are unique. 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